Who We Are

We are situated in Durbanville Cape Town where we run a workshop from home. We will gladly assist with after hour sales and service.

Husband and wife team, Mark and Lani along with Rikus are eager to assist you.

We quickly outgrew the space we had and had to build a workshop to allow for extra space. We moved into the new space at the beginning of 2022. Soon we hope to be able to host small workshops and community get-togethers.

We are strongly focused on the community and believe that knowledge and experience should be shared. We have a whatsapp group and we encourage our members to actively participate, ask questions, share tips and tricks, troubleshoot and even refer print jobs to each other.

Mission Statement – Get you printing

With the price of 3d printers, spares and consumables dropping and becoming more accessible we want to be there to help you find your feet. 3d Printing is no longer something done only by “geeks in the backroom” With all the new machines available in the market there is one to suit each person’s need and soon a 3d Printer will be a common household item just like a computer and printer.

We know from experience how daunting and intimidating this new world can be and with all the information out there can be quite overwhelming especially to a novice totally new in the field.

We strongly believe that everybody should be able to print, from the Plug and Play Mom that wants to print some handy gadgets for the house, the Curious Kid testing the waters into CAD design and the Brave Dad that will take the machine apart and add all the fancy upgrades, bits and bobs to pimp out his machine to the max.

Our mission is to get you printing. From finding the perfect machine to suit your needs, assisting with machine builds, choosing the right filament for your application and eventually doing your own designs and printing your first item. M2 3D Printing assisting you in every step of the way.

Vision Statement – Keep you printing

Once the bug bites and inspiration strike the sky is the limit with what you can do with your printer.

But life happens, stuff breaks, nozzles need replacements, fans give problems or you run out of filament on a Saturday afternoon. We are available 24/7.

We want to keep you printing by assisting with

  • Servicing
  • Repairs
  • Spares
  • Consumables
  • Upgrades
  • Community get togethers
  • Workshops & Training


M2 3D Printers, Spares and Consumables

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